6 Tips An Aries Woman Should Follow When Dating A Scorpio Man

I really can’t believe such a perfect man exists…. Wow to A + S – that was a great read, and in a space where I was searching for some insight on my own relationship with an Aries man (I’m a Scorpio woman). We fight all the time, but he’s not at all as gentle on my heart as what you’ve described in your path in getting to know your Scorpio lady.

One day, he asked my sister for my number and started texting me and we started catching up with each other. We then met up a couple of days later to go for a walk around Lake Merritt and drink beers. Those 2 years that we did not speak, I would always think of him from time to time and would have dreams about our friendship. I would cry to my friends like once or twice a year about how I miss him and that there wasn’t a friend that I ever connected with as much as he and I did. As a Scorpions man I was in relationship with Aries girl for 6 years. I agree that as ascorpio I was more involved and would expect more from her.eventually she cheated me for another guy.since then I never called her to win back.

There’s a lot of information about how fantastic and energetic a relationship between an Aries woman and Scorpio man can be, and boy, can it ever be. These two are either passion galore or a war waiting to happen. Both need to be very good at conflict resolution and keeping calm or they could see some loud times. Either way, this is an intense relationship – and one that could work out very well. You might say, “thank you so much for sharing that with me, it means a lot to know you trust me enough to talk about something so personal.”

Values the Scorpio Man and Leo Woman Share

They can be extremely warm and affectionate towards their loved ones and can literally pour their hearts out. The female Aries has to make sure that she is never dishonest in the relation, which he really hates. He may give up on the relationship if she is not honest.

Aries Man and Scorpio Woman: The Positives and Negatives

Aries and Scorpio have to get good at reading into what’s hidden. Two enigmatic personalities will need to take the next step to figure out why what needs saying. Cryptic language and assumptions lead to confusion in the Aries and Scorpio relationship. Aries is a compelling character proving a draw to the Scorpio personality.

I didn’t react to her absence this time, the once hot burning passionate flame that I had, has been slowly burning out without her there to feed and fan it. The philosophy that I believe in is that if someone truly cares about you, they’d treat you like how they’d want to be treated. I treated her well, put her before myself, but her disappearing act made me feel abandoned, felt used.

I am a Scorpio woman who has been married to an Aries man for 30 years. We were high school sweethearts, he was the handsome, outgoing and popular high school quarterback, I was the shy intelligent bookworm. Actually I was in jr. high and he was a freshman in high school when we were introduced by a mutual friend. When he laid eyes on me for the 1st time, he pursued me and told all his friends who also found me attractive that I was off limits. Let me tell you, we fought a lot in the beginning because of his jealousy and fiery temper. We matured together over the years and are fiercely loyal toward one another.

He likes being around her because she knows what she wants and is ambitious. As friends, her impulsivity and hot temper is not a threat to him. They can enjoy the best of both of their talents and interests without worrying about getting sidetracked by their mutual differences. Both love a challenge as well, though Scorpio men seek that challenge through intellectual processes like solving mysteries or problems.

She might exhibit small amounts of anger, but don’t take this seriously, as it may be due to her professional life – she is very driven. It could also be a natural sign of frustration, because she is missing something or someone in her life. Instead, show her love and affection, and most of all, friendship at this time, and she will always remain loyal and grateful. As always, the Arians are extraordinarily intense and fired-up, ready to run a 10km marathon if that’s what goes through their head at the moment. Aries men and Aquarius women both crave adventure in their lives.

Your scorpion typically loves seeing you get really excited and enthralled by something. You don’t have to worry about holding back with him—seeing you get really into something will make you attractive to him. Unless you’re majoring in meteorology is InternationalCupid legit or are really passionate about climate change, talking about the weather isn’t usually a great opener with a Scorpio. Instead, ask him a question about his hopes and dreams or something he’s really passionate about and watch him open up and engage.