13 Reasons Why You Can’t Stop Thinking About Your Ex And How To Stop

It’s not because you feel pity towards them, it’s probably because you’d do anything just to thank them for having seen the potential in you. While it may feel that you still have feelings for your ex, that isn’t likely. You just see clearly how the possibilities of your life branch out and you can’t help but feel a pang of regret for not taking the path of the artist’s life. This isn’t really about your ex but about you and your life choices. If you’re in a relationship right now and you’re unhappy, it’s only natural that you keep thinking about your ex.

Every time I felt the need to snoop on his profile or enquire about his new girlfriend to a mutual friend, I reminded myself of every flaw he has. If your ex has moved on already and got a new partner, this could cause you to obsess over their newfound love . I found myself romanticizing my relationship a lot after the breakup. Once I got over the denial and anger, I couldn’t stop imagining what would have happened if only I’d done things differently. It may seem like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel, or that you’ll never love again, but humans have an amazing amount of resilience, and you will find your spark once again (it just takes time!).

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Just try to avoid the good old burning route; you want to let go of these things in a healthy way, not an angry and vindictive one. Doing this makes you evaluate yourself against the criteria that that person sets. Don’t check if they’re more successful than you, if they’re younger than you, or if they work out more like your partner had asked you to do in the past.

Gender differences in coping with a relationship breakup.

Thank you so much Sarah – for taking the time to share, for being a part of this tribe, and for being such an inspiration. In reality he is an addicted, emotionally unavailable piece of shit who made me sad all the time. I just wanted him to perfect and so I kept the relationship going and fell in love with what I was imagining. I have read a large amount of articles, and this one is by far the most reassuring and helpful one. I printed this out and will be reading it every day. Sometimes all it takes is just for one person to believe in us.

If you decide that you do like this person once you’ve fully moved on from your ex, you’re ready to take it further. In the end, it seems that thinking favorably about an ex is a sign that you still haven’t gotten over the breakup. At the same time, ruminating over your romantic past could be keeping you from moving on. Instead, making a clean break with your ex and seeking out emotional Company website support from your social network are two important steps you can take to heal yourself after the end of a relationship. But it’s important to recognize whether you’re just looking for a distraction or are actually ready to be vulnerable again. “Even if it is wonderful, a new connection is not enough on its own to heal old wounds, and you will still have to do that work,” Francis says.

But sometimes seeing your ex with someone else can trigger feelings you weren’t prepared for. According to dating and relationship experts, there are several reasons behind why it hurts — even if you have no intentions of getting back together. When this is the case, she suggests seeking outside help. “Stay connected to your loved ones, and please reach out to the people who support you when you need them,” advises Francis. “And consider working with a relationship therapist as part of your care team to help you learn new skills, heal from past traumas, and provide a non-judgmental space for emotional support.” I remember a few months after a really bad breakup, I was still in “I can’t stop thinking about my ex” mode.

Elvina Lui is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in relationship counseling based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Staying busy really will help you move on faster. If you find yourself thinking obsessively about your ex when you are at home alone, come up with something to do, whether it’s having dinner with a friend, visiting a museum by yourself, or going for a walk. It will also help to ask yourself what your role was in causing the breakup, as this might help you let go of some anger. Painful emotions cannot simply be swept under the rug.

And of course, in this technologically plugged-in day and age, a valid form of self-care is also muting or blocking your ex on social media. If it’s your ex that you’re missing, then this may give you the space you need to recover. And if it’s the relationship you’re missing and not your ex, then you’ll probably realize this soon after they disappear from your newsfeed.

This can be particularly useful when you’re stuck in a negative thought spiral. It can also help you to prioritize your day-to-day experiences with your partner. She encourages addressing relationship anxiety early, before it becomes a problem.

She’s currently living in Spain, where she spends her time writing, watching the shepherds and eating tapas in the mountains of Andalucía. No matter how ugly the breakup was, how hurtful the arguments were, he’s developed a couple of unique techniques to not only get your ex back but to keep them for good. And if you sit around waiting for it to come, or even go out and chase it, you’ll potentially end up hurting yourself more, especially if your ex isn’t willing to sit and talk honestly.