10 Signs Your Almost-Relationship Is Going Nowhere

Ask Dr. Nerdlove is Kotaku’s bi-weekly advice column for matters of the heart, hosted by the one and only Harris O’Malley, AKA Dr. Nerdlove. Man, woman, single, married, he’s got advice for everyone. He has somebody who can support him, somebody who will have sex with him, and someone he believes to be his savior in the world. And he has his family, a wife who is his partner, kids he gets to see every day, a comfortable house, and an active social life.

Not being able to count on the person you’re dating is a very legitimate reason to show them to the door. Say you’re still processing things and that you’ll reach out if you ever think that it’s a good idea. That’s when you should answer your ex’s questions so that your ex can get closure and leave you alone afterward. Some of the things your dumper ex could want from you are a break from guilt, emotional support, forgiveness, and a highly conditional friendship. A friendship that is convenient for your ex and inconvenient for you.

Of course, real life is not an experiment, and there is no control group. We can never be certain about the potential outcomes of the path not taken. Whatever decision you make, it will be the one you’ll live with, and you won’t ever be able to know with 100-percent certainty how the opposite choice would have turned out. So, before making any rash decisions, speak to a coach and figure out exactly what your guy needs to open up, and get serious.

If he truly cares about you, he’ll try to find his way back into your life. Your man will see that you have a busy life and realize that your world doesn’t revolve around him. You’ll show him that you can be happy on your own and that you don’t need him. Don’t be overly friendly either, especially if he’s your ex. He needs to see that you’re doing great without him and don’t even need him in your life.

If he’s being passive-aggressive towards you suddenly, it means that he doesn’t really care about the relationship anymore. He may either be over the romantic relationship or confused about the future of the relationship. Frankly, it can be quite terrifying, to be honest! So, it’s important to have a keen eye and react appropriately to the signs he wants you to leave him alone. Being in such a situation warrants the need to know how to leave him alone for good if he has directly or indirectly shown the signs he wants you to leave him alone for good.

Relationships Essential Reads

Don’t let a man put you on a string like that and Aries guys are prone to pulling such a stunt. It hurts so much to have someone waltz back in and tear the walls it took you a while to build in a couple of seconds. Is he there when you need him as well or is it only at his convenience? The answer to these questions would help you draw a done line between a man who cares for you and keeps showing up and the one who shows up to take advantage of you.

They’re irritated with you all the time.

Even though you may feel that you have sent him enough hints by now that he should get the point that you aren’t interested in him, it doesn’t always work out that way. If you never actually told this guy that you are not interested, he may not know that you aren’t. The Capricorn, who is also an earth sign, may have more luck hiding their frustration. But that’s just one area the Taurus man may not master early. Another downside to this is how it can affect your relationship. On one side, the Taurus reluctance to compromise may mean one person making most of the decisions or frequent arguments.

Being with someone means being attentive and being involved – this takes constant effort, but what a beautiful reward when it works. Some days I really need that reassurance from them and I need to hear them tell me I’m worthy, not just show me.” — Desiree K. So, if he makes you a part of it or suspends it even for a little while for you, you’re important to that man. Watch to see if he pays attention to you and your needs or is he just doing things at random. If he’s moving randomly, that’s not a good thing.

I push them away to see the extent they will go for me. “I rage at everything the person isn’t doing to keep me around. It’s so backwards and makes us both so miserable, and I can hold it off for a little while because I know it’s backwards, but it always comes back.” — Kassandra M. is romaniakiss working I hope you’ve understood that aries men will keep coming back for as long as you let them, all men will, regardless of their zodiac signs. Love is not made of uncertainty and if you want your aries man back, he will likely come. Show up when they feel like you’re about to move on?

We make decisions about relationships based on what’s best for ourselves and will often find it hard to take the other person’s feelings into consideration. Below you’ll find what I consider to be the most prevalent signs that your ex is having a hard time after the breakup. Today we’re going to talk about some of the signs that your ex is hurting after a breakup. One case in particular I have heard of – the dumpee told the dumper that she feared he was going to be engaged soon to the new person, which he wrote off as absurd. It’s like in some twisted way the dumper played on the dumpee’s fear – made that fear a reality – to maintain control over her feelings.